Transfer RR Data to Excel

Started by Beljalex 2014-09-22 at 20:03
3 replies to this topic
I dont know if it can be done with your script but it would really be appreciated if we could transfer our RR data to Excel. It would be helpful and easier to manage them.
This is Really A good request

famous ptc sites like neobux has rr data in excel
Posts: 2341

Is that "Export List" option in Neobux?

Would you like to explain how it works and what is advantage of that feature?

I exported now and understand nothing

Please explain and we will see what we can do.
Quote: marijoy

Is that "Export List" option in Neobux?

Would you like to explain how it works and what is advantage of that feature?

I exported now and understand nothing

Please explain and we will see what we can do.

1.After exporting the list , copy it and paste it to notepad and save it excel

3. type as :
1st value (A)--------> Referral tracking number/ ID

2nd value(B) -------> The date you rent the referral

3rd value(C) -------> Date on which referral click his last ad/ Last click

4th value (D)----------> Total number of clicks for a referral.

4.Import the saved file into excel

How to Import them in Excel:

Version 2003 and Prior:

Select from dropdown: Data Import External Data; Import Data
Navigate and select the file to import (make sure "Files of type:" is listed as "All Data Sources".
On the prompt that comes up leave "Delimited" selected and hit Next.
On "Delimiters" select "Comma".

Version 2007:

From Ribbon: Data, Get External Data, From Text
Navigate and select the file to import (make sure "Files of type:" is listed as "All Data Sources"),
On the prompt that comes up leave "Delimited" selected and hit Next.
On "Delimiters" select "Comma".

But The Advantage is we can create graph using the data

can filter referrals

can calculate the profit,loss,etc ...

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