Minimum cashout??

Started by pringles71 2014-02-08 at 07:24
1 replies to this topic
Free Member
Posts: 14
Hi Admin,

I just want to make my 14th cashout & I have $1.51300 in my account balance fair enough to make a withrawal of $1.50 but I receive this message "You do not have enough funds in your account to complete this operation.
Your minimum cashout is $10.00"

Why $10 where it should be $1.50?

Please advise as I can't see any changes in the cashout.

Quote: pringles71
Hi Admin,

I just want to make my 14th cashout & I have $1.51300 in my account balance fair enough to make a withrawal of $1.50 but I receive this message "You do not have enough funds in your account to complete this operation.
Your minimum cashout is $10.00"

Why $10 where it should be $1.50?

Please advise as I can't see any changes in the cashout.


Hello Pringles71

Since 2014, we already implemented stepped cashout

Quote: marijoy

* Stepped Cashout $1.5 - $3 - $5 - $7 - $10

source :

« Last Edit: 2014-02-08 at 10:23 by skyzerk7 »

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