payout TOO high

Started by epco 2013-03-01 at 23:39
1 replies to this topic
Hi admin,

I understand that you had to raise the payout request, but is 1,50 not that high?? 30 cts will be good 2, other sites have the same and no problems with this, please consider, because I think you scare lot of members away now
Posts: 2341
Quote: epco
Hi admin,

I understand that you had to raise the payout request, but is 1,50 not that high?? 30 cts will be good 2, other sites have the same and no problems with this, please consider, because I think you scare lot of members away now

Hi epco,

Please understand our reason.

If you will just play your chance on twickgrid? - you will reach this payout in just few days.
If you are active clicking on twickerz? - you are already upgraded.
members who joined the same date as you.. already upgraded for free.
and will again reach their next free upgrade.
every click, every move of your mouse is paid by cash and twickpoints!

So be active and enjoy guaranteed earnings on twickerz.

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