My Best Experience Here In Twickerz

Started by deebluemedz64 2012-11-17 at 01:23
3 replies to this topic
Why I said....... I love to play twickerz grid because based in my experienced I can win.... all the time I can expect 10 cents winning!! I have just joint twickerz last January this year... and I earn up compare to other PTC Site membership as two or three years I do not have earn as what I have earn here in twickerz... For info I have been a member of neobux more than years but no income i have get from them. I have been twice golden member of 90 usd per year but see my income up to now is just 97 usd for more than two years! Not to include all those referrals I have paid with no return as they sold dead referrals.

Comparison:: Here in twickerz I have been upgraded last july 2012 and I have earn more than 42 usd. If we compare to two years membership of neobux earning only 97 usd. What is better of course TWICKERZ.... SO my friends let us support twickerz and I know they are extending our income in the way also that its not a lose in our part but depending also in our effort of clicking daily or a day to day activities.. I love twickerz more than any and other PTC!!
« Last Edit: 2012-11-17 at 01:26 by deebluemedz64 »
I understand you my friend! and this not a compliment to you
But your story just like my story and many Others who I know them!

I myself will not be invested in the future only in
This magnificent site Twickerz, and distinct from all other sites
Twickerzis Really the best ptc site and the number one always,
And yes Of course that,Because A wonderful Lady, lead this site,
excuse my poor English
« Last Edit: 2012-11-17 at 18:57 by GSN212 »
It's okey am not also good in english grammar too! as long as it is brief, concise yes. understandable....
Same here. Twickerz is the only one Ptc that i don't mind how much money i will invest cause i know i will get them back, soon.
Also, the only one that i get too many direct referrals when i advertise my other sites.

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