Suggestion on picture CAPTCHA

Started by dandi 2012-11-10 at 21:16
1 replies to this topic
Free Member
Posts: 29
Once we have solved the captcha could see a slot machine (like casinos) with three images (or advertisements).

Could receive prizes based on the images that appear in the slot.

For example, if the three images were equal then we could get twice the credit earned to see the current ad.
Posts: 2341
Quote: dandi
Once we have solved the captcha could see a slot machine (like casinos) with three images (or advertisements).

Could receive prizes based on the images that appear in the slot.

For example, if the three images were equal then we could get twice the credit earned to see the current ad.

Hi dandi,

If I understand your suggestion clearly,
Did you mean that you will receive 2 credits for every successful click?
If this is what you meant to say, no advertiser will agree crediting member`s twice,

Or please re-phrase your concern.

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