I Can't understand

Started by begum22 2014-03-08 at 15:34
1 replies to this topic

I had to pay $0.3 for 45 days every referrals.
But what I got from that referrals?

Now what I can do? I lost my money.
Quote: begum22

I had to pay $0.3 for 45 days every referrals.
But what I got from that referrals?

Now what I can do? I lost my money.

its still has 2 days before you make conclusion you lost or not..
yeah from here we can see you have some RR that earn below 0.3 and there are also earn more than 0.3 even it just 2 or 3 rr..

in my opinion, you make 2 mistake in managing your RR

1. you extend it for 15 days (you rent it for 30 days then extend it 15 day), you have POSSIBILITY earn more if you extend them for 30 days or above, coz you can get discount 5%.. so your cost will reduce..

2. i and some member always explain our strategy about managing rr here, you can search for older post about it . my point is about Recycle RR, we always recycle our RR if their lastclick 5 - 7 days ago.. see your RR last click, you have RR that didnt click since 20-2-2014 and you didnt recycle it ?? why ?

anyway, pls read what our admin said :

Quote: marijoy

Please read and follow the instructions:

Again, Twickerz cannot guarantee each and every members` activity.

If you do not like the activity of your RR -- one solution is to replace them by Recycling.
You can use this recycle option ANYTIME, sky`s the limit! You do not have to panic.
Recycling means -- FREE REPLACEMENT. No cost at all.

Treat rented referrals like anybody else, we all have lazy moments.

Once again, if you do not like the way your RR works - RECYCLE!
Just like what bosses do -- if the employees are not performing the way they should be, they are being FIRED!
So the moral of the story is to RECYCLE your LAZY RR.

Members do not need to ask help here about RR, The help is already infront of you.
We cannot recycle it for you on admin panel, instead, use your own member panel.

Getting 100% active RR is a luck,
All RR before placing on stocks, were filtered active.
There are times that there are no RR available to rent because we filter them first.
however, we cannot guarantee if they will click the next day.
That is why there is free recycling to show our sincerity to help.
Before, this is not free, It`s been many months that this is implemented for free.

We strongly recommends members to just promote their links to get DR rather than renting.

Managing your RR is in your hands. Twickerz have provided the help for free.
Do not let your RR expires is one way to be in profit soon if extended to a longer period.
this strategy which has been repeatedly advise helps members reach their ROI so fast and doubled and tripled their investments once their memberships expires.

You should not let your RR expires, the best way is to extend them rather than renting new one.
Do not settle for less dowlines if you are upgraded,
Refer more or rent more is only the solution to increase your earnings.

Please be guided accordingly, this type of questions has been repeatedly asked and answered the same.
Just search the forum, you cannot find any different answers for this type of normal problem when it occurs.
Members earns profit when their membership expires by the same solutions and strategy.

thanks for your understanding mate

« Last Edit: 2014-03-08 at 16:13 by skyzerk7 »

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