Referral Extension Improvement

Started by serviann 2012-01-17 at 03:25
1 replies to this topic
Referral Extension Suggestions:
1.) Insufficient funds balance display
2.) Auto access of insufficient funds from Main Balance

Just like my previous feature request, this focuses on user money budgeting. It would help a lot of users to properly manage their funds on their Main Balance and Purchase Balance. The latter is just for convenience purposes though.

EDIT: Posted the links of the images because thumbnails are not clickable. CLICK TITLES.

Current insufficient funds balance display:


NOTE: The balance display is just a sample balance is not currently based on any extension package.

This type of display will allow users to properly place the exact amount of needed funds on the purchase balance and can help them on estimates. The auto-access of insufficient funds from main balance is more of a convenience for users where as they would not need to place the money on Purchase balance and directly access it when needed.
« Last Edit: 2012-01-17 at 03:32 by serviann »
Posts: 2341
Quote: serviann
Referral Extension Suggestions:
1.) Insufficient funds balance display
2.) Auto access of insufficient funds from Main Balance

Just like my previous feature request, this focuses on user money budgeting. It would help a lot of users to properly manage their funds on their Main Balance and Purchase Balance. The latter is just for convenience purposes though.

EDIT: Posted the links of the images because thumbnails are not clickable. CLICK TITLES.

Current insufficient funds balance display:


NOTE: The balance display is just a sample balance is not currently based on any extension package.

This type of display will allow users to properly place the exact amount of needed funds on the purchase balance and can help them on estimates. The auto-access of insufficient funds from main balance is more of a convenience for users where as they would not need to place the money on Purchase balance and directly access it when needed.

Thank you for this, Just keep em coming!
Twickerz will review all suggestions, once the team find it beneficial for both members and site,
It will be added for sure on our scheduled list.

Once we have enough funds again, we can implement some of the important suggested features.
Because it is not a Free Modification when we request to PTCEvo. lolz!

We have still some order modification still in progress..
Currently the developer is loaded with clients who needs their attention as well.
So,first come, first served on PTCevolution.
I just hope that it will be delivered on the promised date.

Luckily, one of our order of modification has been delivered and installed successfully last night.
So, Thanks to Josue of PTCEvolution for assisting Twickerz in our order and for a job well done..

This is to show our members that we are continously improving our features,
but not overnite... It will take time of course..
but no one will get bored waiting because all will earn while waiting once they click of course!

See ya!

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