Move orange sponsored advertisements to the top of the view advertisement page

Started by kevinmuic 2013-02-28 at 04:12
2 replies to this topic
Posts: -172
Please move orange sponsored advertisements to the top of the view advertisement page so members click them first and members with referrals will get credit from them.

If you keep them at the bottom of the page, new members are less likely to click advertisements at the bottom of the page first. Most newcomers are more likely to start clicking advertisements at the top of the page.
Also, some members click a few ads from the top and get bored or tired (sorry but I don't know the right word to describe). They did not have chance to work their way down to the bottom to click orange advertisements.

This could help to increase referral average for many members and also increase their earnings.
As a result, more investors would come to the site.

Please consider implementing this request and it will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.
Posts: 2341
Hi kevin,

the ads arrangement is final.

We need to prioritize advertiser`s ads.

Thank you for understanding.

Posts: -172
Thank you for your reply.

It's ok. I understand. Advertisers are the key to PTC success

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