PTSU Rejection

Started by SedateGuy 2012-05-04 at 17:22
19 replies to this topic
ALLAH na kary!
Don't want to
Posts: 2341
Quote: SedateGuy
An advertiser rejected my offer submission, I dont know why! Now, what can I do???

You have been replied by the advertiser.
Thank you c1icker.

Please be advised that we do not tolerate members cheating advertisers on their PTSU offers.
We will be forced to take additional measures if this will happened next time.

And I am very disappointed that you have still this guts to make fun out of it instead of saying sorry.

You have been warned!

You too didn't understand Marijoy!
I didn't 'Cheated' anyone !!
Posts: 2341
Quote: SedateGuy
You too didn't understand Marijoy!
I didn't 'Cheated' anyone !!

You have just cheated your upline.
You have just cheated the site offered to you by creating multi-accounts.
and this is againts the TOS of every site.

It`s a form of cheating.

A member who is creating multi-accounts in 1 site is called cheater.

In my own understanding, It is not a form of helping your upline to earn.

What you did is more on helping yourself to earn 30 cents once approved to increase your earnings.
it is more for your own personal interest.

There are lots of ways to earn on Twickerz, You have earned a total $1.20 from clixgrid.
Isn`t that good enough to increase your earnings in just 1 twick?

Remember this one, Anything that is againsts the terms of service is punishable.

So, please start all over again and quit doing that habit.
There`s always a room for improvement for everybody.
and twickerz only give 1 chance, so be careful.

I hope you read me loud and clear.

If a site allows you to have multiple accounts, and a person deletes his account and create an other one; is that cheating? You dont allow more than one account, right? But some other sites allow members to have multiple.. And I have created account, because I deleted previous. Its very simple to understand.
Free Member
Posts: 271
Quote: SedateGuy
If a site allows you to have multiple accounts, and a person deletes his account and create an other one; is that cheating? You dont allow more than one account, right? But some other sites allow members to have multiple.. And I have created account, because I deleted previous. Its very simple to understand.

yes your 1st two lines are right. But no site allows you to create two different ids from multiple machines. No site needs multiple ids from same person. In your case, you made one id and then you made another id which is clearly a cheating and your both id could get deleted. Definition of cheating is different for you but same for everyone else and they will follow it.
Umph- you came again?!
What you said? Everyone else? eh? Are you a mind reader; you know what everyone else is thinking? Are you the admin of every site?
You are mixing things for no reason. 'In my case' I made an account, after some days deleted that and made a new account. Its not that I made account and then made 2nd , then made 3rd...
You denied! I accepted! I'm not asking you why you denied or please credit my account!

The reason why I posted here, is to request Admin to create a dispute manager for the users who do not knew why their offer submission was rejected...
Posts: 2341
Quote: SedateGuy
If a site allows you to have multiple accounts, and a person deletes his account and create an other one; is that cheating? You dont allow more than one account, right? But some other sites allow members to have multiple.. And I have created account, because I deleted previous. Its very simple to understand.

When you created and deleted your account to create another account and soon delete it again purposely is called cheating.

Your intention is purely to cheat and to earn again.

You created account, approval was given, then delete your account.
create again, you were approved again, then delete..
create... approved..delete... and so on and so forth...
You are doing this style purposely to cheat advertisers.

In short, you are cheating.

HElL No! Where I'm struck.
I didn't deleted account to create other for 0.2$ !!
How can you say that I'm doing it purposely? Create, delete, create other blah blah. How can you say?
That clicker shlicker made you think all this, He pays you and I'm a free member. Thats why you are..
You missed my problem, suggestion..
Only thing you are focussing is to please your advertiser.
For GOD Sake now stop blaming me!
I'm not asking for credit! What are you thinking?
I just wanted to know why, how.. And I knew that. Now you are just proving something.
« Last Edit: 2012-05-05 at 11:04 by SedateGuy »
Posts: 2341
Quote: SedateGuy
HElL No! Where I'm struck.
I didn't deleted account to create other for 0.2$ !!
How can you say that I'm doing it purposely? Create, delete, create other blah blah. How can you say?
That clicker shlicker made you think all this, He pays you and I'm a free member. Thats why you are..
You missed my problem, suggestion..
Only thing you are focussing is to please your advertiser.
For GOD Sake now stop blaming me!
I'm not asking for credit! What are you thinking?
I just wanted to know why, how.. And I knew that. Now you are just proving something.

We`re just goin in circles.

Your question has been answered.

You were denied by the advertiser for the reason of cheating by creating multiple account under the same upline c1icker.

Topic locked!

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