zaludu Level 5 Stats

Started by zaludu 2012-03-10 at 16:19
52 replies to this topic
Referrals Detail
Direct: 120
Rented: 1400

Yesterday stats: 22.04.2012
Rented Referral clicks: 3891
Direct Referral clicks: 291
Recycling: 0
AutoPay: 7.60$
rent referrals profit: 4.07$
Total Earned: $405.2470

Balance: $4.38
Purchase balance: $2.50
Twickgrid: Clicks:5858 Winnings Today: $0.40 Total:$11.50

Rent 100 referrals - 25.00$
« Last Edit: 2012-04-23 at 15:46 by zaludu »
Referrals Detail
Direct: 125
Rented: 1400

Yesterday stats: 26.04.2012
Rented Referral clicks: 4215
Direct Referral clicks: 280
Recycling: 0
AutoPay: 8.40$
rent referrals profit: 4.24$
Total Earned: $455.4790

Balance: $23.85
Purchase balance: $4.68
Twickgrid: Clicks:6258 Winnings Today: $0.60 Total:$12.70
I do not rent referrals. At an avg of 2.9-3.0 a refferal makes about $ 0.25-0.28 per month. Higher avg has none of the referrals in 1500. It costs $ 0.26 a refferal if they exceed 1500. So I have no profit. They are good only for large extensions. I can not afford such extra investment of 240 days. I try to make direct referrals.

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